This article will go over the customisation options available for the Search feature in ODW products and services.
Show Folder Navigation Filters
Setting this to on will show the filter tiles below the search input box.
*Example of how the Knowledge hub search filters may appear
Enable Filters
Setting this to on will show the filters to the left-hand side of the search results.
*Example of how the Search result filter dropdown menu may appear
Enable Filter Labels
Setting this to on will show the title of each filter above the search filter dropdown.
*Example of how the Filter labelsmay appear
Show results count
Setting this to on will show the count of search results within the query/filters selected.
*Example of how the Results count may appear
Number of items per page
This sets the number of items shown in the results on the page before pagination is rendered.
*Example of how the an adjusted item count may appear
Enable Regions
Setting this to on will give the user the ability to configure the regions for the documents as search tiles and remove the ability to set the folders as tiles below the search input box.
Show overview of document in search results
Setting this to on will show the overview of the document in the search tile if the overview field has been populated.
*Example of how the a document overview may appear
Default Document Library to filter if the users location is not found or Regions are disabled
Click on the Manage Default Document Library will give the user the option to pick the document library to pull the results from, set the filter tiles and image for the tiles below the search box and select which filters to show in the left-hand side next to the results.
A default value can be selected to set it as part of the search query when the page loads. You also can select an alternate title in the input box next to the name of each field in the filter field mappings.
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